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A passion for publishing

Published: 12-MAR-04

About Business in Africa

Business In Africa Publishing specialises in developing focused, high-quality contract publications from the ground up. Contract publishing is a natural extension to our successful Business in Africa Magazine. Business in Africa Magazine was founded in 1993 and currently occupies the centre-stage in the coverage of commercial activities in Africa. Business in Africa's editorial experience and distribution network is regularly deployed to support our contract publishing assignments. Whether a client wishes to launch a new publication or revamp an existing one, Business in Africa Publishing can oversee the entire publishing process: from concept development/refinement to production and sales and distribution. We continually monitor all parts of the contract publishing process against specific quality, cost and other objectives.

Customer led

We recognise that contract magazines must work hard for both the client and the reader. They need to be customer led, providing editorial that informs, entertains, inspires and rewards the reader, as well as communicating our clients' key marketing and product messages throughout.

Meeting needs

We understand that magazines have specific roles to perform, from reinforcing or shifting brand perceptions and building customer loyalty to generating direct response to specific products and services. Whatever goals our clients' set, we will produce work that meets those needs and is of a quality that our clients and their customers demand.

Meeting our client's needs

  • Editing and subbing

    The personnel at Business in Africa Publishing have many years of editing and subbing experience in both main stream press, as well as corporate publications. A style sheet specific to the individual publication is created to ensure consistency of editing and subbing throughout publications.

  • Rewriting headlines and intros

    Headlines are what grab the reader's attention - supported by well-written intro paragraphs. Business in Africa Publishing editors and designers will ensure that creative and attention grabbing headlines and intro paragraphs are used for all articles.

  • Sourcing/commissioning of some of the editorial content

    Through Business in Africa Magazine, Business in Africa Publishing has access to highly skilled journalists throughout South Africa and across the continent. Business in Africa Magazine journalists has the knowledge and know-how of how to create interesting reports on a wide range of topics including industry, labour, social, health, political, economic, technical, financial, entertainment and education, to name but a few.

  • Sourcing/commissioning of stock visuals and/cartoons

    Business in Africa Publishing has access to several stock libraries as well as photographers throughout South Africa. Custom-drawn cartoons can also be produced.

  • In conjunction with the publications editor, decide on page layout and pagination

    It is suggested that specific sections be identified for publications according to which pagination page layout and pagination can be done. By creating specific sections, the information will be better accessible for readers, and it will be easier to manage. At least two sets of proofs will be produced for inset by the editorial team, before a final set of proofs will be presented for approval. Apart from production layout and design for printed versions of publications, Business in Africa Publishing can also produce HTML versions of the magazines that can be uploaded on clients' Internet homepage or the company's intranet.

  • Printing services

    Business in Africa Publishing has a close relationship with several printing companies, and can ensure high-quality printing of all projects Through Business in Africa Magazine, the staff at Business in Africa Publishing has extensive knowledge regarding the printing process of magazines and documents.

  • Managing distribution lists

    Business in Africa Magazine has a distribution list of 15 000 which is managed internally. This knowledge and expertise on how to manage a distribution list will be available to client publications.

  • Marketing and special offers

    Business in Africa Publishing will be able to sell advertising into appropriate publications to contribute towards production costs, lowering the overall production cost of the publication. Special offers such as competition prizes and sponsorships can also be obtained to the benefit of readers.


Goldcity Group has 48 full time staff in Accra and Johannesburg publishing its own magazines and newspapers. These offices publish and distribute more than 300 000 copies of Business in Africa Magazine and Business & Financial Times Newspapers each year. This experience in pan-African publishing and distribution is regularly deployed to the benefit of Business in Africa Publishing customers. Business in Africa Publishing has competent staff who have the ability to manage the entire publishing and print process from start to finish including but not limited to:

  • Copy generation
  • Copy writing
  • Editing and sub-editing
  • Photography
  • Interviews
  • Publishing Project Management
  • Background Research

As a newly formed company (February 2003), Business in Africa Publishing in itself has limited experience in the field of corporate publishing. However, through its parent companies - the Wisdom Keys Group and Goldcity Communications - the company has access to highly qualified and trained people with extensive knowledge and experience in the South African corporate publishing arena. Goldcity Communication, through Business in Africa Magazine, has produced publications for Eskom, MTN and SAA. Business in Africa Publishing has just acquired the contract to produce a client and employee magazine as well as the annual report for the Freedom Park Trust.


Business in Africa Publishing is 100 percent black owned and has two equal shareholders - the Wisdom Keys Group and Goldcity Communications. The directors are:

    Chairperson: Eric Mafuna (Wisdom Keys)
  • CEO: Everest Ekong (Goldcity Communications)
  • Director: Andrew Fesedemi (Wisdom Keys)

  • Business in Africa Publishing offers clients a well-rounded communication solution
  • Business in Africa Publishing publishes quality editorial, topicality and the usefulness of its content; we pride ourselves on knowledge and efficiency
  • Business in Africa Publishing provides editorial that educates, entertains, inspires and rewards the readers
  • Business information can be tailored to the needs of corporations via its publications and online service
  • We offer a very flexible service in terms of business information supply; by our staff of highly qualified corporate journalist
  • Distribution and circulation management and competitive pricing
  • We optimise on client's investment
  • We pride ourselves as custodians of our client's products

Business in Africa Publishing believes that through its extensive knowledge, experience and dedication, it can produce an unparalleled corporate publishing service to clients.

Business in Africa Publishing pride itself on delivering on its commitments. It considers every project to be a team effort. Because of the company's experience, knowledge and efficiency, it is in the position to present highly competitive pricing. We recognise that contract magazines must work hard for both the client and the reader. They need to be customer led; providing editorial that informs, entertains, inspires and rewards the reader; and communicate our clients' key marketing and product messages.

Business in Africa Publishing's view is that first and foremost, as a corporate publication consultant, it must meet client needs. Whatever goals our clients set, we will produce work that meets those needs and is of a quality that our clients and their clients demand.


Business in Africa Publishing
Physical Address:
1st Floor, Block B, Delft House
376 Rivonia Boulevard
Rivonia, Johannesburg

Postal Address:

PO Box 1357

Telephone: +27 11 807 0948
Fax: 011 807 0919
E-Mail: [email protected]
OR [email protected]

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