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It’s tea and tourism time in Uganda

The year seems to be going quite well as far as our tea exports are concerned. We will earn $47,6 mn this year and the Uganda Tea Association has projected this to be a 20 percent growth writes Maryanne Njeri.

Ugandans are going places

I am proud that Ugandans are going places. It may not be as fast as our neighbours in Kenya but we are on the right track, slowly but surely we shall get there writes Maryanne Njeri.

Balancing economic priorities in Uganda

As for the local banks, most remain conservative and have been criticised for not being open minded when it comes to lending to SMEs writes Mariane Njer.

Quiet jitters as Uganda goes for landmark poll

What makes the Ugandan elections particularly interesting is the two leading candidates vying for the number one seat. There are a total four candidates sponsored by political parties and one independent candidate.

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