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Business in Africa
Essential reading for everyone with an interest in Africa
Published: 01-MAR-04

Business in Africa Magazine was launched in London in 1993 and today has offices in London, Johannesburg, Lagos, Abuja, Accra and Nairobi. It is read by the business decision-makers in most of the successful businesses throughout Africa. The Business in Africa website was launched in late 2004, and has grown rapidly, posting big readership increases since its inception.

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For Online queries
Sabie Matsobane
Online Sales Executive
tel: +27 11 807 0948
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[email protected]
For Magazine queries
Miso Jikijela
Consulting Advertising Manager
tel: +27 11 807 0948
fax: +27 11 807 0919
cell: +27 82 702 8143
[email protected]

Editorial focus
The magazine and website has been established as the leading source of high-quality information and analysis of developments in the commercial centres of Africa. Both provide business information in key areas where information supply fails to meet the increasingly specialised demand.

A team of experienced business editors and experts in 23 African countries compile information. They report on everything from politics to finance, banking, insurance, computers & technology, mining, stock markets, aviation and tourism as well as other areas of interest.

The main aim of the editorial policy is to provide a factual and independent view of Africa to readers. It provides timely, accurate information on valuable business opportunities as well as in-depth reviews on the economies of individual countries, corporate profiles and business developments on the continent


Business in Africa magazine, a monthly, reaches a highly selective target market of business decision-makers from across the globe. It has a circulation of 20 000 copies and a readership of more than 160 000 per issue. It makes use of a range of unique distribution methods to reach its highly mobile and influential target market. Distribution is done through newsstands and vendors, subscriptions, airlines & hotels as well as at conferences and exhibitions.

Business in Africa Magazine has distributors in London, Southern Africa, Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire and Kenya.

Distribution is also done through the following airlines: SAA, Nigeria Airways, Ghana Airways, Cameroon Airlines, LAM, Air Malawi, BA/Comair and Air Namibia. In addition, magazines are placed in the rooms of top hotels in a number of countries including South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and Namibia.

Business in Africa has an African subscriber base of around 1 400 people across the continent, and in Europe and America, which is growing daily through our free subscription drive for decision-makers in Africa. This is in addition to paid-for subscribers.

For more information contact:  [email protected]

Business in Africa Online, the online presence of the magazine, offers unique daily businesses news to supplement the articles published form the magazine. BiA Online offers an archive of every Business in Africa Magazine article ever published. The website now receives over 100 000 hits per month - reaching influential African businessmen and decision makers. A weekly newsletter has recorded over 100 percent growth since March 2006. For more information contact the Online Editor: [email protected]

Readership profile
CEO level 30%
Managers and Senior Executives 36%
Senior Government Officials 26%
Other 8%

Competitive edge
While there are a number of other publications distributed in Africa with African content, none has the depth and analytical edge of Business in Africa Magazine. Regular feedback from readers and clients from across the globe have commended the magazine for its quality editorial, topicality and the usefulness of its content.

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