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The World's Power and Electricity Congress
The world's power and electricity markets are facing major changes which will impact on their future

George Wachira
George Wachira, le Directeur Général du Petroleum Institute d’Afrique de l’Est, s’entretient avec Energy in Africa à propos des explorations de pétrole potentiel en Afrique de l’Est, l’approche de la région envers l’offre d’énergie et ce que font les gouvernements Est-africains au sujet de l’exploration de pétrole. Par Amina Accram

Sustaining South Africa’s energy resources
There are compelling reasons for developing renewable energy sources, the recent Pan African Power Congress in Johannesburg has heard. By Zolile Mtshelwane

Scientists explore oil wealth in Lake Malawi
Lake Malawi is seen as the heartbeat of the nation it is named for. Now it could back that up with a revenue stream, if mineral explorers have their way. By Hobbs Gama in Blantyre

Bien que les réserves de gaz et de pétrole soutiennent et développent la qualité de vie de nombreuses personnes sur le continent, le sous-développement prévaut toujours dans des parties de l’Afrique de l’Ouest et Centrale

Melting glaciers set to destroy Kilimanjaro’s glory
The glaciers on Mount Kilimanjaro are melting at an alarming rate, and experts warn they could disappear in the next two decades.

L’Ethiopie meurtrie cherche son propre pétrole
La facture des importations de pétrole de l’Ethiopie, qui a augmenté de 262% lors du dernier trimestre, menace l’économie fragile du pays. Par Helina Megersa

Cameroon’s dark future
The supply of electricity in Cameroon falls short of demand by about 50MW. With a population of 15 million, growing rapidly at 2.5% per year, and increasing demand from industry, there is every indication that current investments in the sector may never neutralise the imbalance. By Mbah George

There’s money in that waste
Generating 10MW of power requires an enormous amount of rubbish: 14m m3 of waste, to be exact. The project will target three landfill sites distributed across the Durban metropolitan, the largest of which manages up to 5 200 tons of waste per day, arguably making it Africa’s busiest landfill.

Placer la Science et la Technologie au Coeur de notre développement
Les statistiques indiquent toujours que pour plus de 90% des 650 millions de personnes en Afrique, l’énergie se limite au bois, aux déchets, aux bouses, aux bougies et au kérosène. L’accès aux services que l’énergie moderne fournit est central au développement économique et à l’amélioration d’indicateurs sociaux.

Major hydroelectric project well under way in Ethiopia
In a bid to curb recurring power shortages in the country, the government of Ethiopia has embarked upon a major hydroelectric power project, which will raise the nation’s current total output of about 700MW by 40%.

Namibia fast-tracks Kudu development
The fields were discovered 31 years ago but have never been developed. However, the growing need for electricity in southern Africa has sharpened the focus on the project

How to break Africa’s Catch-22
In large parts of Africa, less than 10% of the people have access to electricity – yet the continent has the potential to generate more than sufficient power to satisfy the needs of its entire population

The new scramble for Africa’s Oil
The off shore oilfi elds on the west coast of Africa - the fastest growing oil exploration and production areas in the world today – are attracting massive investment, of around $10bn a year. This expenditure is highlighting a lack of local capacity to service the oil industry, writes Shaun Benton.

Africa’s new role in global energy security
Needless to say, these natural reserves are attracting the attention of global players. The United States, in particular, is starting to cast covetous eyes towards the continent as an increasingly important source of oil and natural gas to stabilize its energy market.

A flawed look at a flawed economy
The wars in Angola raged for more than four decades, at massive cost to Angolans and other southern Africans. It was not only a grave yard for hundreds of thousands of people, but also for repeated attempts at bringing sustained peace and prosperity to its people, despite lavish natural resources.

Is there energy for all?
Africa is facing a massive energy crisis – but it’s not the one you think

Energy in Africa: le choix informé
Energy in Africa est un magazine trimestriel dédié à éclairer et discuter les défi s et questions relatifs au vaste spectre de l’énergie sur le continent

Facteur de peur
Les usines de production nucléaire fournissent actuellement 16 pourcent de l'électricité produite mondialement. Les Etats-Unis sont le plus large contributeur principal à près du tiers du total. Les autres larges contributeurs incluent la France, le Japon, l'Allemagne et la Russie. Il y a couramment 440 réacteurs commerciaux opérant dans 31 pays avec une capacité totale installée d'approximativement 360 000MWe, et 30 réacteurs de plus sont en construction. Dans 17 pays, les réacteurs nucléaires pourvoient au moins le quart de toute l'électricité, et dans 10 pays, l'énergie nucléaire contribue au moins au tiers du total. Mais comment se débarrasser du facteur de la peur associé au nucléaire?

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Energy in Africa
Energy in Africa is an intelligent and in-depth look at how energy impacts people, places, projects, price and development around the African continent. It is the first pan-African bilingual publication in both English and French in Africa, published quarterly.
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African business and public sector leaders define and construct a prosperous future for the continent.
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Financing Black Empowerment Partnerships 2006
27 February – 3 March 2006.

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