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Namibia hunting for black gold
Despite the many onshore and offshore exploration licences issued since 1991, Namibia is still a net importer of oil. Energy experts say Namibia probably has more gas than oil potential, with the Kudu Gas Fields being the only commercial hydrocarbon discovery in the country so far. The Kudu project is situated 170 km off the country’s Atlantic coast

Horse sense drags Barani into 21st century
The Fulani people are the cowboys of west Africa. While they prefer headscarfs and swords to Stetsons and six-shooters, the tough-talking rhetoric remains pure John Wayne. Particularly when it comes to horses: “A horse is your wife, your car, your colleague, your best friend,” say enthusiastic villagers of Barani, in north-west Burkina Faso....In recent years Barani has become a poor shadow of itself. No phone line, no electricity, no secondary school, jagged dirt roads that are impassable in the rainy season and hardly a horse to its name... Read more

Somaliland Republic
Somaliland is a former British protectorate. This Muslim state achieved full independence from the United Kingdom on 26th June 1960.

Africa’s Business Styles:
We have long read about the American Business Style, the European Business Style and the Asian Business Style. However, we have heard very little about the African Business Style, In South Africa, as on the continent of Africa, there can be no single business style. This is because there are many racial and cultural groups in South Africa and over 52 distinct countries...

Dakar is the new Abidjan
Since a military uprising in September institutions and business drawn to Cote d'lvoire by its peace, excellent infrastructure and relative prosperity have begun to look elsewhere. DULUE MBACHU in Dakar explains

Ghana eligible for $1 billion MCA
Since assuming the reins of government in 2001, the Kufuor-led government has made it a priority to secure sufficient funding to fulfill its manifesto - to lift the economy to middle-income status by 2015 with a per capita income of $1 000 from the current level of $340. The funding of government's development and growth agenda is a major challenge. Does Ghana's inclusion in the list of eligible countries for President Bush's $1 billion Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) offer the economy any hope, asks Nana Mensah

Uganda Tops Business List
After a long economic stagnation of the 1970s and the 80s due to political instability, Uganda has since 1986 embraked on a rapid economic recovery through vigorous attraction of private foreign investment, writes Hobbs Gama.

A new approach
South Africa's KwaZulu-Natal province is the site of a pilot study which is offering a new approach to service delivery. Peta Lee looks at what it has achieved

A bleak outlook?
After a three-year economic decline, the result of Zimbabwe's presidential elections is not likely to solve the country's problems. Zimbabwean economist John Robertson looks at the situation

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Energy in Africa
Energy in Africa is an intelligent and in-depth look at how energy impacts people, places, projects, price and development around the African continent. It is the first pan-African bilingual publication in both English and French in Africa, published quarterly.
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African Business Leaders Forum
African business and public sector leaders define and construct a prosperous future for the continent.
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Planning to travel? Book accommodation in Africa & South Africa here.
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