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African Broadband Revolution 2005- 6 to 8 April 2005, Johannesburg SA

Discovering the Great Karoo

Published: 20-JAN-05

Karoo Moons – A Photographic Journey, by Richard Dobson and Ruben Mowszowski. Published by Struik

Those who have driven through South Africa, from the Money City of Johannesburg to the Mother City of Cape Town, will know all too well the Great Karoo, a vast arid region in the middle of the country.

But those impatient holidaymakers who speed through the tumbleweed-fl anked roads of the Karoo in air-conditioned comfort are doing themselves a disservice, as this book points out in beautifully rendered detail.

Far better to take several days and “drive its dusty roads, to wander its hills and valleys, and to talk to its wonderful inhabitants”, as Dobson puts it. Explore towns with names like Hopetown, Three Sisters, Prince Albert and Richmond, and areas like the Valley of Desolation and Die Hel (The Hell).

You will share this dramatic remoteness with landless wanderers and miscreants, numerous windmills which hint at water below the surface, giant prehistoric animals embedded in stone, 5000 year old rock engravings and lichens growing on rocks where years can pass with not a drop or rain – and finally realize that people have carved a living out of this seeming emptiness for years.

This is a book which is every bit as compelling as the landscape it seeks to explore.

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