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Conversations in leadership
Conversations in Leadership is the start of a journey; an exploration to be undertaken through the art of conversation in a landscape covered with complex challenges.

Building human capital in SA
Building Human Capital: South African Perspectives is aimed at: South African managers seeking practical solutions to sometimes uniquely South African challenges in people management and human resources strategy.

Brain-based education for executives
Brain-Based Executive Education is designed to introduce you, the executive, to the latest brain research for your personal benefit. Executives are no longer able to differentiate themselves by the degree they hold.

Be inspired... And get expired
Over the course of sections on the Philosophy, Psalms, Proverbs, Paradigms, Practices and Process of inspiration, this book will arm you with the understanding and skills you need to develop the leader within you and the leaders around you.

Crusade against the 'Evil Empire'
In his eye-opening book, political scientist and anthropologist, Mahmood Mamdani, offers a refreshing analysis of the rise of political Islam and deconstructs the frameworks under which we have been led to make sense of it.

The Art of African Shopping
Africa is often its own worst enemy when it comes to marketing itself to the world outside. Art has the potential to uplift entire communities, but far too many indigenous artists spend their time churning out mass-produced wire lizards or polished elephants, which they hawk for a pittance to ignorant foreign visitors who think they’re getting a piece of Africa.

Hysteria vs drugs intoxication
This is a story of child abuse, brutal institutions and wild rebellion, veering between religious hysteria and narcotic intoxication. The book takes us deep into the violent underworld of Cape Town gangs and international organised crime, behind the cold bars of prison – and out the other side.

Thabo Mbeki uncovered?
William Mervin Gumede’s book - Thabo Mbeki and the Battle for the Soul of the ANC - is not only a must read for anyone interested in South Africa, it is a challenge to other African writers to consider documenting the exploits of political leadership on the continent.

South Africa's Nobel Laureates
This book is a tribute to South Africa's ten recipients of the Nobel Prize.
For the first time it brings together the powerful and inspiring Nobel lectures, delivered by the four laureates who received the award for peace - Albert Luthuli, Desmond Tutu, FW de Klerck and Nelson Mandela.

The dassie and the hunter:A South African meeting by Jeff Opland
This book chronicles the life, times and poetry of extraordinary Xhosa praise poet, the late David Yali-Manisi, and his growing friendship and fruitful working relationship with author Jeff Opland - a renowned global scholar recognised as an authority on Xhosa izbongo or praises.

Rewriting Modernity: Studies in Black SA Literary History by David Attwell

Making diversity work by Dr Sondra Theiderman PhD
One of America's leading experts on workplace diversity and cross-cultural businesses

Going the extra mile - a guide to trading in Africa by Luyton Driman
Driman speaks from experience as he conveys the joy he gets from tropical Africa and in his book he invites you to follow suit.

The empowered native by Letepe Maisela
On the eve before the public holiday of the 16 June's Youth Day - remembering the youth who died during the '76 Soweto riots - the Africa Heritage Society launched a literary club.

South Africa, in the palm of your hand
The official South Africa Yearbook 2004/05 and the Pocketm Guide to South Africa are among the most comprehensive, up-to-date sources of information available on the country

Reviewing the African Condition
Ten years ago any attempt to publish a book on the African condition would, in the main, have made for dismal reading. Such a project in the form of this publication can now felicitously be undertaken in a more heartening atmosphere and in line with the Africa Institute of South Africa’s vision to “serve as an authoritative centre of excellence

Change the only constant in African telecoms
Amidst a flurry of new technologies like voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and various wireless platforms which promise to transform telecommunications, mobile telephony remains the main drawcard on the African continent.

The importance of bridging the divide
After a decade of democracy, Advocate Neville Melville assesses how the widening of the wealth-poverty divide, primarily along racial lines, threatens our young democracy. If this situation continues, asserts Melville, a social upheaval of greater magnitude than that occurring in Zimbabwe is probable

A look at 21st century Nigeria
Abani’s characters spring to life at different times and settings. His narrative and imagery bring the book to life in a world farfetched from that which we are used to. It depicts Nigeria in the 21st century, cursed by its past and undecided about its future.

Discovering the Great Karoo
Those who have driven through South Africa, from the Money City of Johannesburg to the Mother City of Cape Town, will know all too well the Great Karoo, a vast arid region in the middle of the country

Economic Statistics
Click here for the latest economic statistics graphs.
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Market news on your cellphone
Get live JSE listed shares, warrants, major indices, brent crude oil, international markets, agricultural futures & daily market analysis via SMS on your mobile.
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Energy in Africa
Energy in Africa is an intelligent and in-depth look at how energy impacts people, places, projects, price and development around the African continent. It is the first pan-African bilingual publication in both English and French in Africa, published quarterly.
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Eskom leaders forum
African business and public sector leaders define and construct a prosperous future for the continent.
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Online travel bookings
Planning to travel? Book accommodation in Africa & South Africa here.
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Financing Black Empowerment Partnerships 2006
27 February – 3 March 2006.

Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa
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