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Winds of change for Zim
Special correspondent
Published: 19-JUL-05

Zimbabwe - Reports that President Thabo Mbeki, the United Nations and the EU intend taking a harder line with President Robert Mugabe have brought hope to economically beleaguered Zimbabweans that light is glimmering at the end of a very long tunnel, and that a return to the halcyon days of a decade ago might not be so much of a dream after all.

Equally, any hint of a way out of the nightmare is manna for the estimated 1.5 million Zimbabweans, 70 000 of them whites, who have fled the country and are living around the world, most of them in South Africa.

But for now, an extraordinary commercial and industrial climate has bred businesspeople endlessly inventive in their struggle to survive the convoluted commercial environment, and swim against economic currents that grow stronger and more perilous each day.

For the full story, get hold of Business in Africa magazine, Africa's premier business-to-business monthly, on shelf at the end of July.

  • Business in Africa magazine is Business in Africa Online's sister publication.

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