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Daily News  :: West Africa

Nigerian media workers suspend strike

Published: 19-DEC-06

Lagos - Workers in Nigerian federal government-controlled media who launched a strike 10 days ago to press their demand for payment of arrears of almost three years of allowances returned to work on Monday, unionists said.

Officials of the workers' unions said that they were suspending the strike following the intervention of the national assembly and other well-meaning Nigerians in the labour crisis.

The suspension, they said, was to give authortities time to look into their grievances with a view to paying the arrears.

The strike, which began nationwide on December 8, affected workers in Radio Nigeria and its external arm, the Voice of Nigeria, the Nigerian Television Authority and the News Agency of Nigeria which are all agencies under the federal ministry of information, they said.

The affected media agencies offered minimum services during the strike which hit most of their operations, including editorial and engineering units. Sapa-AFP

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