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Libyan ailine buys 12 Airbus planes

Published: 19-JUL-06

Farnborough - Afriqiyah Airways of Libya has signed a preliminary agreement to buy 12 Airbus planes for an estimated $1bn, with the option to purchase eight further aircraft, Airbus said.

"Afriqiyah Airways has signed a memorandum of understanding for the acquisition of six A320s and three A319s plus an option on five as well as for three A330-200Fs, plus three options," the European plane maker said.

The A319s would carry 124 passengers, the A320s would seat 150 and the A330s 253.

Should Afriqiyah take up its option of further planes, the value of the deal would be worth about $1.8bn, according to a calculation of Airbus list prices.

"With the excellent record of the A320 family as well as the A330 in terms of great economics and efficiency, the acquisition of these Airbus aircraft was a natural choice," Afriqiyah chief executive Captain Sabri said.

The A320s and A319s would cover routes from Tripoli to 17 destinations in Africa and the Middle East, as well as Western European capitals.

The A330s would serve long-haul operations to Africa, Asia and Europe.

"We greatly value this new partnership ... and are happy to strengthen it further while accompanying the airline in its growth strategy," Airbus chief executive Christian Streiff said. Sapa-AFP

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