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South Africa - Investor’s Guide to Business Law and Trade

Published: 28-AUG-06

As Niall Fitzgerald, chairman of Reuters put it: "South Africa has to be one of the most attractive investment destinations in the world just now. After all, its got low costs, great climate, hugely creative people supported by an economy which has been skilfully managed - and it's the gateway to 200 million people in Southern Africa."

The International Monetary Fund (IMF), in its 2005 annual country assessment, commended South Africa's authorities for the remarkable economic progress achieved through sound macroeconomic policies and structural reforms since democracy in 1994.

South Africa is one of the most sophisticated and promising emerging markets globally and, in addition, is the economic powerhouse of Africa, serving as a gateway for investment into Southern Africa.

Economic growth has been impressive, rising from 3 percent in the first decade of freedom to around 5 percent in 2005. A level of macro-economic stability not seen for 40 years has been achieved, reducing the costs and risks for all investors, and laying the foundation for increased investment and growth. Managed within a stable political environment, the unique combination of a highly developed first-world economic infrastructure and a huge emergent market economy, has given rise to a strong entrepreneurial and dynamic investment environment.

South Africa - Investor’s Guide to Business Law and Trade, is an important and useful reference source for traders, potential investors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, students or anyone with an interest in doing business in South Africa. Consisting of some 170 pages, it provides a broad analysis of the investment climate and regulatory environment in South Africa. It is recommended as essential reading preceding any investment or trade decision.

The book is comprised of the following seven sections: the economy; infrastructure; government; business law; government trade support; trade relations and key industry sectors.

Dealt with in considerable depth, is the regulatory environment in South Africa which has undergone substantial reform in recent years. The section on business law provides a solid foundation in this area. All current and relevant business legislation is extensively summarised and specifically referenced, with more relevant areas being dealt with in greater depth. Included are chapters on South Africa’s: legal system; business entities; competition law; labour law; black economic empowerment; environmental law; intellectual property law; broadcasting and telecommunications law; taxation; exchange control; import and export regulation; e-commerce law; data protection law; access to information law; immovable property law and corporate governance.

Of particular interest to investor’s will be the section on government trade support. South Africa seeks to attract real and growing international investor commitment and at the same time, to fully capitalise on the opportunities to bring about dynamic growth in the country. This section deals in detail with all available incentives provided by the government.

The author of the book, Ruth Stocks, is a partner of, and researcher at, Research South Africa, the publisher. She holds separate degrees in commerce and law, and is an admitted attorney with more than twenty years of commercial and legal experience both in South Africa and abroad.

The book is available as a downloadable e-Book, and can be purchased online at www.research-southafrica.com.

Book Information

  • Author: Ruth Stocks
  • Publisher: Research South Africa
  • Reviewed by: Carol Jooste
  • Price: $39.99

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