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Record number of business schools to visit Johannesburg

Published: 14-MAR-07

The QS World MBA Tour, the world’s largest international programme of business school information fairs, will be coming to Johannesburg this Autumn on Monday, March 26, with a record number of business schools from across the globe.

The QS World MBA Tour is the primary recruitment tool for the world’s leading business schools, and has been touring the globe now for thirteen years. More than 200 international business schools will be travelling with the tour, up from 160 last year.

US schools participating in the Spring tour include Wharton, Tuck, Georgetown, Columbia, Chicago and Haas; European schools include London Business School, Manchester Business School, Imperial, Warwick, IESE, Instituto de Empresa, ESADE, MIP-Politecnico di Milano, IMD and INSEAD.

The Johannesburg QS World MBA Tour fair, which will take place at the Intercontinental Johannesburg Sandton Sun Hotel gives prospective MBA candidates the opportunity to meet with business school Admissions Officers from around the world. Visitors will be able to obtain information on school programme content, costs, programme duration, financial aid and post-qualification career options. In addition, future MBA students will also be able to access crucial information regarding the admissions process, including tips for preparing a winning application and a Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) preparation seminar.

“In 2006, over 75 000 young professionals registered to attend the QS World MBA Tour fairs around the world. 98 percent of attendees rated them ‘very useful’ or ‘useful’. Talking face-to-face with alumni and Admissions Officers, backed up by expert advice is invaluable in helping candidates decide where and when they want to study and how they can go about being accepted by the school of their choice.” reports Nunzio Quacquarelli, Director of the QS World MBA Tour.

The exceptional number of business schools attending this year’s QS World MBA Tour is a response to the remarkable turnout at Fall 2006 Tours around the world. Nunzio Quacquarelli adds, “The QS World MBA Tour increased candidate registration numbers by over 20 percent in 2006, in addition to contributing to a 5 percent increase in GMAT test takers worldwide. Many top business schools today rely on meeting candidates at the QS World MBA Tour – candidates who are then invited to join information sessions, web-chats, an on-line application process or preliminary interviews.”

This view is confirmed by Rose Martinelli, Admissions Director at Chicago Graduate School of Business: “We had an excellent year in 2006. We attended all of the Fall QS World MBA Tour fairs and it was great." Deise Leobet, of Instituto de Empresa adds, “We have been really happy with every city on the Tour. QS consistently runs great fairs. Reflecting this, our application numbers are excellent."

QS is the authority on international careers and education at postgraduate level. In addition to running the World MBA Tour, QS provides research on MBA and post-graduate salaries and recruitment trends, as well as producing the QS Global 100 Top MBA Programmes and the Times Higher – QS World University Rankings reports. Copies of these reports will be available at the fair.

For more information and to pre-register visit http://www.topmba.com

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