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Pan African Power Congress & Expo 2006

Published: 20-SEP-05

Africa has critical power capacity constraints. Presently, South Africa represents 50% of the African continent’s electrical power generation and consumption. Clearly, significant development of the power generation sector is necessary in order to meet the demands of the continent.

How you can access the lucrative African power market

Launched in 1998, no other power event in Africa has dedicated the past 7 years, to one purpose: hosting the most comprehensive, most informative and most innovative trade event with a single-minded goal: to empower and develop Africa’s Power industry.

The Pan African Power Congress and Expo 2006 presents an unrivalled and cost-effective marketing solution to world-class vendors serious about selling products, services and business solutions into Africa.

More importantly, this event is your annual opportunity to generate leads, build relationships and gain business.

This event also provides strategies for improving power generation in Africa and includes topics and panel discussions on generation, capacity, utility regulation, funding and finance, privatisation and public – private partnerships and many more imperative issues facing the Africa power industry.

Meet Africa’s key power industry players in one place at the same time

Featuring some of Africa’s and the world’s foremost power authorities, industry experts and leaders, the conference attracts key decision makers with the power to make decisions.

Every year, CEO’s and other senior executives from the energy sector meet with policy-makers and senior strategists to discuss the current market dynamics and future directions that directly affect Africa’s power sector.

Significantly, 83% of this year’s conference delegates were middle to senior decision-makers with the power to purchase. In addition, 61% of visitors surveyed said that they would either purchase or recommend the purchase of products seen at the show.

The way forward to sustainable growth in Africa’s power sector

Representatives from prominent organisations in Africa have realised the need to improve generation capacity and are currently looking at all forms of power generation.

With a shared vision, the Pan African Power Congress and Expo have taken a leap to investigate new investment opportunities for the development of the continents power sector.

“Terrapinn shows a complete understanding of the energy market and the needs of the stakeholders in the sector. By arranging events such as T&D World 2005 they facilitate an effective event conducive to communication, learning, socialising, broadening of contacts and great fun for all the participants,” Jaap du Preez, chairman of the board, NETGroup Solution.

Planned for 2006

Four co-located events! Co-locating Power Generation World Africa with Transmission and Distribution World Africa, Renewable Energy World Africa and Energy Efficiency World Africa 2006 brings a scale that is unmatched in this sector.

There is no other African Exhibition offering this level of contact with the industry’s key policy makers, buyers and sellers. This is an event that has undoubtedly become the true voice and premier representation of Africa’s maturing power industry.

For more information regarding this event, go to www.panafricanpower.com

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