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Integrated Governanace Conference ready to set off

Published: 24-MAR-05



In Africa 340 million people or nearly half of the population live on less than US$1 per day. NEPAD's (New Partnership for Africa's Development) objective is to consolidate democracy and sound economic management on the continent.

Civil Society (trade unions, civic organisations and NGO/NPO's) has the potential to organise themselves within an alliance and engage with Governments, corporate business, SME's and our people - in a collective effort to alleviate poverty by implementing sustainable initiatives.

At the CUTS/CITEE - Centre for International Trade, Economics & Environment - Project Launch Meeting on 18-19 March 2005, in Jaipur, India, the key topic of discussion was: Linkages between Trade, Development & Poverty Reduction. "Participation" emerged as one of the integral components required when addressing this international initiative!

More detail on the outcome of this international Project Launch Meeting on Linkages between Trade, Development & Poverty Reduction will be disclosed and discussed at the INTEGRATED GOVERNANCE CONFERENCE in Cape Town on 07 - 08 April 2005.

This INTEGRATED GOVERNANCE CONFERENCE, will be chaired by Peter METCALFE, and will focus on the complex inter-relationship, inter-connection, interdependence and interaction among the four major spheres of governance: Public Governance, Corporate Business Governance, Labour and Civil Society and how this will affect the qualities of governance in its various manifestations in our society and economy. This conference will also encourage the integration of all sectors of society into the mainstream of political, economic and social life. The participation and dialogue among these role players on various levels (from political dialogue, issues of human rights and democracy, to consultations on resource allocation for aid programmes) will be addressed.


Contact: Nico LORETZ - +27 21 590-8300

Email: nico@intelmanstrat.co.za

Visit Website: www.intelmanstrat.co.za

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