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www.businessinafrica.net | events_calendar African Ports & Harbours Congress 21 - 24 June 2005
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African Ports & Harbours Congress 21 - 24 June 2005

Published: 08-MAR-05

The congress will be held at the Gallagher Estate Midrand, South Africa

The African Ports & Harbours Congress will evaluate strategies to improve operational efficiency and attract lucrative business to Africa's ports and harbours. The conference will address pertinent issues in the industry such as the concessioning of African ports, financing port development and maritime security. Regulation, security, infrastructure and lack of port funding are some of the immense challenges encountered by the African ports sector. The conference will provide a platform to discuss these challenges and outline future strategies to improve the infrastructure and security of African ports.

For more information, please visit: www.terrapinn.com/2005/portsza or contact:

Leatitia van Straten Senior Marketing Manager

Direct: +27 (0) 11 516 4053

E-mail: leatitia.vanstraten@terrapinn.co.za

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