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The power of doing business online
Goodman Chauke
Published: 09-NOV-06

The Online Industry Summit is a platform for industry leaders across Southern Africa to exchange views about the state of online and its developments. Different sectors have now realised the power of doing business online.

With more of all media consumption shifting to on-line, it is vital that businesses engage their customers through the web channel. Consumers are now ‘window shopping’ online for their next offline purchase - hence the benefit of making an impression with your next online campaign.

However, like most marketing channels, it is at its most effective when it is planned, bought, executed and measured correctly. This summit aims to establish best practice and give delegates the tools to ensure their online campaigns deliver as effectively as they can.

As the South African online audience begins to boom, print media begins to create online versions, new online publications start to emerge; a full integration of Internet marketing into all marketing activities becomes increasingly critical. Companies are now looking to work with integrated marketing agencies, those agencies that understand clients want ‘to fish where the fish are’.

Presenters at this three day summit include:

  • Arthur Goldstuck, providing an overview of the online industry in the country
  • Paddy Browning, MD of iol.co.za will explain how Independent online became so effective online news provider
  • Sandra Boer of Webchek will provide statistics on SA Web users on their demographic profiles as well as their usage and behavioural patterns
  • Vinny Lingham, of award winning IncuBeta is lined-up to discuss Paid Search Engine Marketing – Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc.
  • Di Charton of Acceleration, will discuss the changing face of online media
  • Joanne Scholtz, director at MediaCompete, the Agency of the Year 2006 as awarded by AdReview and AdFocus will discuss challenges of traditional vs. online media from an agency point of view.
  • Chris Savides, the incoming Chair of the SA Forum for the eTailers will talk on how the online retail industry can grow the number of online shoppers as well as the number of online merchants.

    Sectors representations and cases studies at the Summit include:

  • SARS eFiling, an example one of the successful eGovernment tools
  • Online Banking topic will be covered by FNB and Nedbank
  • Online selling, tips and tricks by Gillian Meier of bidorbuy.co.za
  • Careers 24 will discuss innovative online recruitment products and solutions
  • Skills development in the electronic communications sector by Tebogo Khaas of SMME Forum
  • Rudolph Muller of myadsl.co.za a broadband activist will discuss broadband challenges to the development of the online industry
  • Online Publishing challenges by Jovan Regesek, publisher of ITWeb
  • How the Internet has revolutionized the tourism industry, through last minute booking, price transparency, etc. by Fiona Buchner of SA Tourism
  • Reinhardt Buys of Buys Inc Attorneys will present online media law – legal tips for survival, risk mitigation and legal compliance.

    The summit is industry tailored for: Marketing managers, E-commerce managers, Head of Digital, Business development managers, MDs/CEOs/directors, Media planners/buyers, Agency account managers, Creative directors, Internet/online manager, Media director/manager, Web developer/webmaster, e-Business Managers, Online Managers, Operations Managers, Online publishers, PR Agencies/Managers. Marketing heads of the banking, tourism and recruitment sectors.

    The summit takes place on February 07 – 09, 2007 at The Emperor’s Palace, Kempton Park, Johannesburg.

    For brochure and registration contact Goodman Chauke: Tel: +27 (0)11 784 0888

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