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Financial Sector reforms give boost to African entrepreneurs
Smaller businesses in Africa are enjoying better access to finance from banks, venture capitalists and other sources

Banking on Africa's poor
Barclays, Africa’s largest financial services behemoth, is betting that it can crack the emerging middle and low-end market by introducing operational and risk models that work. The man leading the charge: Meet Barclays Africa CEO Dominic Bruynseels.

Secrets to success
How GTBank co-founder, Tayo Aderinokun, grew a start-up institution into one of Nigeria’s biggest banks.

Banking on women
Nigeria leads Africa with a women-only credit line as Africa awakens to the emergence of female entrepreneurship.

The Branson Touch
The South African cellphone market may look a tad saturated right now, but not enough to deter Sir Richard Branson from muscling in with his latest feat, Virgin Mobile. Squeezed bank clients and cellphone users in South Africa can now look forward to a break from high costs.

Africa’s financial sector
The emerging conventional wisdom suggests that African countries should reform financial services first. Other benefits will follow — or will they?

Nigeria’s big banking purge
Just 25 banks remain from a 95-bank strong sector following an unprecedented financial sector reform process recapitalisation purge.

Global IT banking scam
The world's fastest growing fraud and money laundering scam is called phishing. Its a scheme to steal online banking identities from unsuspecting users.

ICB Banking Group spreads its wings in Africa
There’s a new financial services giant making its presence felt in Africa and Eastern Europe. The Malaysian- based ICB Banking Group is already active in six African countries, and is enthusiastic about the opportunities presented by the continent.

Ghanaian banking reforms boost securities market
The Bank of Ghana is currently embarking on a number of institutional reforms to support the growth and the development of the capital market in that country, including capital market reforms and the introduction of a new Central Securities Depository System (CSDS).

West African currency faces sternest test
The West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ) – which comprises Ghana, Nigeria, The Gambia, Guinea and Sierra Leone – had initially hoped to achieve monetary union by 1 January 2003. However a 2002 assessment revealed that the Anglophone West African countries involved had not met the conditions needed to achieve macroeconomic convergence

Sudan: Changing from the inside
A critical area of reform in Sudan is the country’s weak banking sector. To get a better perspective of the situation, Michael Koma spoke exclusively to Ali Abdalla Ali, a man with extensive experience in the sector.

Banking Group set to invest in Africa
Botswana was identified as the most appropriate location for managing the group’s regional initiatives because it is a country on mainland Africa with no exchange controls, a very attractive tax incentives package, as well as a sound legal and regulatory framework

A club of failures or beacon of hope?
Financial institutions in Zimbabwe are hoping for a better 2005, after a disastrous 2004 in which six banks were placed under curatorship and two more were liquidated because of under-capitalisation and alleged corruption. Now there’s a new banking giant hoping to win the hearts and minds of wary consumers.

Mugabe grabs control of Zimbabwe’s banks
Is the creation of a new banking giant in Zimbabwe a saving grace, or the next step in the wholsesale plunder of the country by the ruling elite?

Malawian Banks eye crossborder investments
The National Bank of Malawi (NBM) is scouting profitable opportunities in the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA).

Quintessential banker
Africa, a basket case? Don't believe it for a moment. If you're prepared to confront the unique challenges posed by doing business on the dark continent, Africa's nascent banking industry offers huge opportunities with excellent returns. Peter van der Merwe spoke to Stanbic Africa's Sim Tshabalala about the way forward for bankers on the continent

Capital Flight
In 2001 overall net investment to Africa was less than $100 million. For the same period the USA attracted more than $100 billion. Latin America received $72 billion in private capital flow and Indonesia had a net outflow of foreign direct investment of $3.3 billion. Percentage-wise, therefore, Africa recorded the lowest, at 0.9 percent. Where are African's keeping their money? Is it in investments somewhere that could not be traced. read more.....

Banking on the future
In the past, the Zambian banking industry has seen the demise of several of its banks. Now, Bank of Zambia (BoZ) governor Caleb Fundanga is implementing new regulations to ensure a stable and viable industry.

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