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Dr. Yvonne Muthien – Group Executive, Corporate Affairs – MTN Group

Dr Yvonne Muthien is Group Executive: Corporate Affairs of MTN Group Ltd, a leading telecommunications company, with 9 companies operating in 10 countries. She was previously Director of the South African Democracy Education Trust, an oral historical project launched by President Thabo Mbeki.

She serves as Chairperson of the President's Advisory Council for National Orders, both under the current President and his precedessor, Nelson Mandela. She has also been a Board member for the South Africa Broadcasting Corporation and the transportation utility, Transnet.

Dr Muthien was the first woman Commissioner in the Public Service Commission from 1994-1997 and in 1993 she served as Commissioner on the body that established the new provincial boundaries for a democratic South Africa, during the Multi-Party Negotiations (CODESA).

She completed her D.Phil degree in Sociology and Politics at Oxford University in 1989, and holds a Masters degree from Northwestern University, USA, as well as a BA (Hons) cum laude from the University of the Western Cape.