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Building business in a volatile environment
A leading black businessman says that while the government's Black Economic Empowerment has created valuable opportunities for black people to enter the economic mainstream, these opportunities will not be exploited fully unless strategies are developed and employed to remove obstacles that stand in the way of successful BEE deals.

How to develop Africa's economy?
One of the speakers who will address the African Leadership Conference - to held in Johannesburg in November - says the tragedy of the African continent is that foreign derived investments are very low. He says the continent receives a mere 1% of global investments, and that this is too low to facilitate sustainable development and growth.

Global Leaders Africa Summit
Building business in a volatile environment
A leading black businessman says that while the government's Black Economic Empowerment has created valuable opportunities for black people to enter the economic mainstream, these opportunities will not be exploited fully unless strategies are developed and employed to remove obstacles that stand in the way of successful BEE deals.

How to develop Africa's economy?
One of the speakers who will address the African Leadership Conference - to held in Johannesburg in November - says the tragedy of the African continent is that foreign derived investments are very low. He says the continent receives a mere 1% of global investments, and that this is too low to facilitate sustainable development and growth.

Time to put leadership where it’s needed most
Enough talk. No more new organisations and focus groups. What Africa needs most from the leadership debate right now is to raise the issues which are critical and focus on arriving at conclusions around those issues.

Towards a united Africa
Africa needs really strong leadership that understands we are at the bottom of the pit. If we are not careful, we will not emerge. Turning the continent around will require a lot of determination by heads of state.

In search of the 'X' factor
The study on the identification of suitable and relevant ingredients for the development of an African Leadership Model was motivated by a widely shared belief among contemporary black leaders that it is time for Africa to produce leaders who have the leadership qualities required to ensure that Africa shifts from being a continent of the under-dog status and secures its fair share of opportunities.

History and African leadership
There is a need for African brand of leadership. We as Africans and South Africans in particular, need to change the rules of the game. Perhaps there is a need to go back and look at our past achievements and learn to be proud of them. We have to ground ourselves in our culture and values to be able to confront the future with confidence.

Leading through followership in Africa
Business and political leaders all over Africa are at the centre of the continuing analysis and near paralysis of the continental debate on why Africa, after so many centuries of struggle, still continues to struggle.

Creating sustainability through good governance
While financial performance continues to play an important role in determining corporate fitness, there has been an increasing realisation that in the long term, this needs to be balanced with avoiding practices that will harm society or the environment.

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