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Ministers discuss succession at BCEAO, BOAD
Ministers in charge of finance and economy portfolios from the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) member countries met on Wednesday in Ouagadougou and discussed the appointment of new bosses for the two financial organs of the sub-regional body the Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) and the West African Development Bank (BOAD).

Nigeria holds back on oil sale
World Bank aids Sierra Leone development
IMF applies pressure to Zimbabwe
Kenya looks toward the skies
Angola to focus on farming
Nigerian media workers suspend strike
Aus firm to reopen Mali gold mines
East Africa bloc states to milk each other
Canadian firm raises funds for Zambian mine
SA releases EU automotive trade details

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Africa must look East
China’s rise offers Africa a chance to recast its economic relationships with the rest of the World. This, delegates to the African Business Leaders Forum agreed, needs to be seen as a challenge, not a threat. The real leadership issue is the way the continent rises to the challenge.

‘Size does matter’ -Museveni
How a relatively small population in the midst of vast natural resources bred complacency and distorted African economies.

Intrinsically African by Africans for Africans
“The need for a new Afro-centric style of leadership is critical for Africa,” says Lynette Chen, CEO of the Nepad Business Foundation (NBF), in a conversation with Business in Africa. Which is exactly why the NBF has adopted leadership training as one of its flagship programmes.

Co-operating to compete
The third ministerial forum on China-Africa Co-oporation (FOCAC) in Beijing last month is said to have elevated Africa-China relations to a level of pragmatic co-operation. But there are genuine fears that Africa may get the short end of the stick in a relationship based on Chinese neglect of fair labour and trade practices and human rights abuses in the continent

Lessons from Rwanda
Now in its twelfth year of reconstruction since the 1994 genocide, Rwanda has made strident efforts, guided by a determined leadership, to repair its social and economic fabric. Rwandan President, Paul Kagame, in his plenary speech to the African Business Leaders Forum in October, reflected on the lessons from Rwanda’s post-conflict reconstruction process.

Does regulatory reform equal growth?
Business in Africa interviewed The World Bank’s Doing Business in 2007 report co-author Caralee Mcliesh in Johannesburg

Nigeria holds back on oil sale
The Nigerian government has suspended, until 2007, the sale of 60 crude oil blocs.

World Bank aids Sierra Leone development
World Bank will give $10mn to aid development in Sierra Leone.

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Size and money still count
President Yoweri Museveni was recently in Johannesburg, South Africa, where he gave a speech on transitional leadership, stability and growth. This was during the 4th African Business Leaders Forum organised by Business in Africa. His Excellency stated major factors, which he referred to as bottlenecks, which have hindered Africa from being the prosperous continent it ought to be.

Time to sweep aside the shadows at the top
The old Chinese curse of living in interesting times has never been truer for two of South Africa’s most prominent leaders writes Peter van der Merwe.

Africa's great opportunity to rebalance China trade
Last month’s ministerial forum on China-Africa Co-operation (FOCAC) in Beijing presents a unique opportunity for African countries to turn around what has been a relationship of two unequally matched powers writes Malcolm Ray.

Lagos’s Highway ‘Robbers’
They dart between fast-paced vehicles and scurry among slow-moving ones, holding on to wares as varied as toothpaste and hi-fi systems; snacks and vacuums; bootlegged CDs and complete Chinaware. Toun Aderele welcomes you to the world of Lagos’s highway traders.

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African business and public sector leaders define and construct a prosperous future for the continent.
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Solidity and safety ...and style
While Business in Africa motoring columnist Chris Moerdyk confesses to loving Europe’s designer metal — Porsches, Ferraris, Mercs and BMWs — there’s a part of him that’s still in love with the huge American V8s of his youth.

A guide to leadership
Reuel Khoza’s latest addition to his ensemble of published literature is a rather odd combination of personal history in his attempt to set out the philosophy of Ubuntu and African business writes Rapaleng Thale.

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