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www.businessinafrica.net | events_calendar 2005 Pan African Power Congress -18-22 April
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2005 Pan African Power Congress -18-22 April

Published: 07-APR-05

For six consecutive years, the Power Generation World conference has served the African power community by bringing together Africa and the world’s most principal thinkers in the power generation industry. Over time, this has culminated in the co-location of Power Generation World Africa with Transmission and Distribution World Africa, Renewable Energy World Africa and Energy Efficiency World Africa.

Recognising that no other event in Africa offers this level of contact with the industry’s key decision makers, regulators, buyers and sellers, the conference has been re-branded in line with its fresh new outlook. Bringing a scale that is unmatched in this sector, 2005 will see the re-positioning and branding of this prestigious event as the official Pan African Power Congress!

From 18-22 April 2005, senior decision makers from Africa and the world’s foremost authorities on power generation, transmission and distribution, across the continent, will converge at Gallagher Estate, Johannesburg to learn about the latest business strategies for the power industry. Destined to be the continent’s most important event for Africa’s power sector, this will also be the ideal platform for leaders in the industry to network and forge new business and investment partnerships.

The way forward to sustainable growth in Africa’s power sector

The Pan African Power Congress 2005 is destined to be the principal opportunity to promote growth in Africa’s power sector by providing a platform to discuss solutions to infrastructure development on the continent.

This high level conference features a highly interactive programme driven by current case studies from across the continent, panel discussions and two exciting masterclasses.

Meet Africa’s key power industry players in one place, at the same time For more information contact Candice Zietsman on 516 4066 or visit the official event website for update conference and exhibition information at


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