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www.businessinafrica.net | events_calendar AP & E Forum to be held in London, 10-12 April 2005.
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Events Calendar


AP & E Forum to be held in London, 10-12 April 2005.

Published: 07-MAR-05

The African continent has tremendous opportunities for successful business enterprises. Africa is gradually showcasing its endowments and investment opportunities to the world and the above forum is a veritable platform for this linkage.

This unique forum will bring together senior level captains of industries and investors from across the globe to explore available opportunities in the abundantly untapped hydrocarbon and energy deposits in the continent. This will be the best and most successful conference ever held in this sector.

Sponsorship of this premier African event is open to oil, gas and energy companies, Insurance companies, Banks and financial institutions, State governments, countries, Embassies and other international concerns that want more visibility by identifying with the organizers of this forum.

The sponsorship package offers outstanding visibility between now and April 2005 and even thereafter. Sponsors will get promotional inserts in the brochure and be credited as event sponsors.

Who should attend?

-Power and Utility Companies in Economic Development.

-Economic Development Organizations specializing in oil and gas and energy.

-Africa power and energy Sectors

-Mining corporations

-World Bank

-European commission

-European Funding for Africa

-Investment Promotion Agencies Companies making investment decisions

-State Governments seeking to privatize

-Regional Development and Investment Agencies

-Financial institutions seeking to finance projects

-IFC available funds for African projects


London Hilton, Park Lane is a five star hotel strategically located in Mayfair, the heart of London. The hotel boasts of all the modern facilities ideal for conferencing and luxury and is the best choice when it comes to conferencing and events of this nature.


This reflects on the fact that the petroleum and energy industries need a strong collaboration to be able to meet the demands of its growing consumers. It also recognizes that in order to move the industry forward, both the industry and its partners must continue to take action and seek adequate remedy to the problems of the industry. This has been taken into consideration while packaging the programme for this event. Experts on the industry have been drawn from UK, USA, Canada etc to proffer to solutions to the problems of this industry in Africa.

For Registration

Visit http://www.finmagazine.com

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